Operating helps and Orthoptists

The instrumentalists

A team of qualified instrumentalists with specific training in ophthalmic surgery assists the practitioners during the various procedures.



Qualified orthoptists assist practitioners and carry out all visual examinations, operating measuring equipment without eye contact, ensuring you receive personalized care.
In addition to their university studies, they are trained by the laboratories when they acquire new equipment. Thanks to the Skills Development Plan, they are also able to regularly update their knowledge and learn to use new equipment, to ensure the indispensable quality of their examinations.

Your visit will take place in 2 stages:

  • PRE-EXAMINATION : the orthoptist, assisting your practitioner, takes initial measurements and instills drops in case of fundus before you enter the doctor’s office.
  • MEDICAL CONSULTATION : the practitioner centralizes the information gathered and performs the medical examination in the doctor’s office.