Management of uveal melanomas, guidelines for oncologists

Mathis T, Cassoux N, Tardy M, Piperno S, Gastaud L, Dendale R, Maschi C, Nguyen AM, Meyer L, Bonnin N, Baillif S, Tick S, Mouriaux F, Jaspart F, Dellis J, Rosier L, Desjardins L, Herault J, Caujolle JP, Thariat J.
Bull Cancer. 2018 Oct;105(10):967-980.


Uveal melanomas are the most frequent primary malignant eye tumor. Enucleation was historically the gold standard. Since then, several studies showed that conservative treatments did not increase the risk of metastasis or survival. Choroidal melanomas are both radioresistant and located close to visual structures (the optic nerve and macula) of the eye, which may be preserved in some settings without compromising tumor control, as this is the first priority. Different types of radiation therapy may be used for such tumors: brachytherapy and charged particles, including proton beam therapy. If visual prognosis is dependent to the local treatment, the vital prognosis is dependent on the metastatic risk, with a risk of liver involvement in 20 to 50% of patients, depending on tumor size and genomics. Median survival after the discovery of liver metastases is about 15 months. The management of these patients is often complex. Systemic therapies (chemotherapy, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, etc.) yield limited response rates and although local treatments of liver metastases are promising, they are only feasible in selected patients. The mission of the MELACHONAT national network is to improve the management of patients regardless of the stage of the disease. The patient association ANPACO is dedicated to help uveal melanoma patients in their health care path and to promote knowledge dissemination within the patient community. The aim of this review is to focus on the local treatments of uveal melanomas as well as the management of their metastatic evolution