Time spent with caregivers

When an onco-ophthalmologist diagnoses a cancerous lesion in the eye, he or she proposes personalized treatment followed by specific long-term monitoring. This discovery has an impact on the organization of the person’s daily life, and can affect him or her emotionally and physically.

To help the patient cope with this disease, his or her therapeutic pathway can be enriched by various complementary treatments known as “support”: the referring surgeon initiates what is known as the “ Temps d’Accompagnement Soignant” after the medical consultation.

At Rétine Gallien, this time of exchange is organized with Marion, the referring nurse, in a dedicated area every Thursday morning. It provides an opportunity to express emotions, fears and doubts, and to ask questions about the diagnosis, treatment and possible complications.

The aim of this time of exchange is to reformulate the information received by the doctor and to be informed about the progress of care. The nurse is the key contact to help the patient through this period, which can have an impact on his or her daily life. She takes advantage of this time to discuss any social, family or psychological problems the patient may be experiencing, which could complicate his or her course of treatment. She assesses the patient’s needs and can refer him or her to the appropriate support structures and professionals: psychological support, socio-financial support, socio-aesthetics, pain management, etc.

The aim of this time of exchange

The aim of this time of exchange is to reformulate the information received by the doctor and to be informed about the progress of care. The nurse is the key contact to help the patient through this period, which can have an impact on his or her daily life. She takes advantage of this time to discuss any social, family or psychological problems the patient may be experiencing, which could complicate his or her course of treatment. She assesses the patient’s needs and can refer him or her to the appropriate support structures and professionals: psychological support, socio-financial support, socio-aesthetics, pain management, etc.