Oncology at Retine Gallien

Oncology activity at Retine Gallien has intensified, with a team of 3 referral doctors recognized in the field of ophthalmologic oncology, a specialized secretary and a nurse who provides nursing support. Activity is specifically oriented towards uveal melanoma, but also all ocular cancer pathologies

The Gallien facility is dedicated to the diagnosis and follow-up of ocular cancers.

Tumor identification and patient clipping for proton therapy is carried out at the Clinique Bel Air in Bordeaux, with direct access to one of France’s 2 proton therapy centers (Centre d’ORSAY and Centre Antoine Lacassagne in Nice).


The work is carried out in partnership with a reference network, MélaChoNat, which enables better coordination between the various expert centers and offers an optimized care pathway for patients, with shared protocols, remote advice and exchanges of expertise between doctors.