Dr Laurent Vélasque


Former Assistant Head of Clinic at the French Armed Forces Medical Corps
Former Specialist with the French Armed Forces Health Service
Associate of the Bordeaux Hospitals

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simplement, en quelques clics !

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  • Chirurgie de la cataracte
  • Chirurgie vitréo-rétinienne
  • Oncologie
  • Rétine médicale


Dr Laurent Vélasque

  • Rétine Gallien

    Monday morning, all day Tuesday, Wednesday morning, Thursday morning and all day or afternoon Friday (every other week).

  • Saint-André-de-Cubzac

    Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

  • Thiers

    Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2 to 4 p.m.