Clinical research

The Centre Rétine Gallien offers access to innovative treatments as part of its Clinical Research activity.

The Centre Rétine Gallien offers access to innovative treatments as part of its Clinical Research activity.
  • Research carried out on humans is subject to a legal framework.
  • In all cases, confidentiality and data security are guaranteed.

In the course of your treatment, you may be asked to take part in a clinical research protocol.

Participation is voluntary and informed.
The doctor will present you with the benefits, risks and alternative treatments, and will give you a written information sheet to record everything you have been told orally. Once you have received all this information, you can decide whether or not to take part in the proposed clinical research protocol.

If you agree to participate, you will be asked to sign a consent form. Signing this form in no way affects your legal rights. You have the right to discontinue your participation in clinical research at any time, without affecting the quality of care you receive.
As part of clinical research, you will have personalized follow-up with our Clinical Research Associate, whom you will meet each time you visit.

The Clinical Research Associate’s (CRA) mission is to set up and monitor clinical studies at the Centre Retine Gallien, guaranteeing the quality of data collected, compliance with regulations and the protection of people taking part in research.

The organization of care within the framework of clinical research is subject to a protocol drawn up by the Sponsor, which may be industrial or institutional. Regular visits will be organized to meet the requirements of this protocol.
In addition, some research involves the analysis of clinical data collected during the course of care (usual follow-up). This is known as retrospective research. The confidentiality of data without the possibility of direct identification is respected. Retrospective research for which we have not been able to contact you individually is listed in a regularly updated table. You may object to the re-use of your data for research purposes at any time by contacting the Center’s Data Protection Officer at

Participating in a clinical research protocol

Participation is subject to strict inclusion and exclusion criteria. Your doctor will suggest that you take part in a clinical research protocol only if you are eligible.

The clinical studies in which we participate concern the following pathologies:

  • Wet AMD
  • Atrophic AMD
  • Macular edema following retinal vein occlusion
  • Diabetes-related macular edema
  • Cataract surgery
  • Choroidal melanoma

As the list of current clinical trials evolves regularly, you can contact the Clinical Research Associate to find out whether a clinical research protocol currently underway corresponds to your situation at the following address:

Liste des études cliniques

Nous contacter


"*" indicates required fields


Conformément à la loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 janvier 1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et de suppression des données qui vous concernent en nous écrivant à l'adresse postale et/ou formulaire de contact ci-dessus. Seule notre association est destinataire des informations que vous lui communiquez.

* Champs obligatoires